Amulet of Horus: A necklace, consisting of ___ variously colored jems or "links", each one corresponding with an emotion and also an animal. The Amulet of Horus was worn by the High Priest during his service to the Pharaoh in ancient times.
Amulet of Ra: A necklace, matching that of the High Priest, but worn by the Pharaoh him/herself. It consisted of ___ variously colored jems, each one corresponding with an invokable power (Sat, Flame, Light, Dark, Nothing, etc.) and also an animal.
Gauntlet: A circlet or "bracelet" worn on the wrist by a Magi, which gave them control over their guardian deity. During the time of the Pharaohs, the Gauntlet sets were reserved for the Magi, who defended their King with the power of the Gods themselves. In modern times, the Gauntlets are gifted to the descendants of ancient Magi, and are generally passed along as herilooms; in some rare cases, the benu or great cat have interceeded to give Gauntlets to those who are deserving.
Great Cat:
Heliopolis: An ancient Egyptian city.
Magi: Someone who can call on the ank or spirit of a former deity, normally Egyptian, though there are some cases of Magi who call(ed) on the ank of Gods or Goddesses from Greek/Roman/Norse/Celtic/etc. In ancient times, the Magi were the defenders of the Pharaoh and his High Priest. In the modern day, they are young people--generally teenagers or young adults--who have the same ability.
Totem Animal: The term referring to an animal spirit that is associated with a jem of the Amulets of Ra or Horus.